Consult an Orthodontist

Anyone who wants to straighten their teeth, improve their health or who suffers from a functional disorder, whether it is a young child, a teenager, a young adult, an adult or a senior, can consult an orthodontist. One necessary condition for fitting a brace is good oral and dental health. Feel free to come and talk to us about it.
Depending on the patient’s issues, there are clear indications for different orthodontic appliances. A specialist orthodontist will guide you and recommend the most suitable therapy to resolve the specific dysmorphia according to the latest developments in orthodontic science.

As soon as you have a doubt about the position of your or your child’s teeth, you can consult our practice directly. During the consultation, Dr Jean Koch will make a diagnosis and tell you what you need to do.
Once a diagnosis has been made and an indication of the treatment needed established, a complete orthodontic assessment will be carried out to gather all the necessary morphological data on the patient. Based on this data, an individual treatment plan will be drawn up, specifying the appropriate orthodontic appliance.